Piping Flexibility Analysis

Piping flexibility analysis


In general, a piping flexibility study calculates the reaction loads and stresses resulting from gravity, internal and external pressure, temperature fluctuations and flow induced loads.

In addition to the usual calculations, we can also provide:

  • A flange assembly loading check using the equivalent pressure method
  • Wind and snow analysis
  • Dynamic and vibration behaviour
  • Seismic analysis


Study models usually consist of main piping, pipe supports and cylindrical vessels.

I addition to the usual modelling we can also model:

  • Complex steel supporting structures (frame, pipe rack..)
  • Buried piping


The piping supports and piping routing are optimized converging to provide a solution which meets all selected calculation criteria.

The stress intensification factors are calculated and the stresses verified according to the ANSI B31.3 (USA), EN-13480 (Europe) or CODETI (France) codes. Other codes (RCC-M, Stoomwezen) are available on request.

For this type of calculation, we use Bentley AutoPIPE® Advanced software or Intergraph CAESAR II® software.